Turkey is considered a fertile ground for real estate investment especially in large cities such as; Istanbul, Bursa, and Antalya.
Investing in Turkey is a challenging and complicated topic for potential investors especially for those with minimal real estate experience.
Investors should keep in mind that not every available offer in the market should be taken as an investment opportunity and not every property should be considered as a lucrative and potential profit maker. Serious thoughts should be made before taking such a decision and it helps to consult with the professionals on this matter.
Many investment experiences have been met with failure whether in Istanbul or other major cities due to the below reasons mainly:
And the list goes on. One of the most valuable advice we offer our customers at United World is to be patient when considering investment plans and aim for at least 18 months for ROI.
Name: investor’s name.
Phone No.: investor’s phone number to be able to connect and communicate directly.
E-mail: needed to provide the investors with suitable investment offers.
Budget: approximate budget the investor is looking to spend in real estate properties in Turkey.
ROI (Return on investment): refers to the annual profit percentage aimed to achieve by the investor.
Capital Turnover: refers to the duration of the investment to be kept by the investor (18 months is the recommended period).
Message: refers to additional comments made by the investor on the type of investment sought (rental investment, land purchasing, apartment purchasing, etc.)
General advice and guidelines:
Investing is a very sensitive topic where much of burden falls on the real estate consultant.
When it comes to selecting your real estate agent for real estate investing in Turkey, make sure you conduct your own due diligence in ensuring proper documentation, the physical address of the potential real estate company does exist. It is also recommended that you deal with real estate companies who have their own designated lawyers.
It is also recommended that you inform your relevant embassy on your potential investment and getting their feedback especially if this is your first investment experience in Turkey
Properties for sale in Turkey are between your hands