Kart racing in Antalya | New race track is open in Antalya Turkey

Kart racing in Antalya

Kart racing in Antalya The new Karting Rink named “Go-kart” has been inaugurated in Antalya equipped with the latest in technology and...

Travel to Turkey | United World more information about Turkey

Turkey holds 4th place for Islamic countries

Travel to Turkey Turkey holds 4th place as the most suitable destination for Muslims  The most recent report issued by the Global Muslim Lifestyle...

Antalya Miami twin city agreement | Tourism and real estate in Turkey

Antalya and Miami twin city agreement

Antalya Miami twin city agreement The twin city agreement has been signed and ratified between the Turkish city of Antalya and the American city of...

Turkish Properties | Iraq is number 1 in buying properties in Turkey

Iraq, number 1 in buying properties in Turkey

Turkish Properties Arab's countries held top places in buying Turkish Properties in 2017 Iraq came in 1st place as the top country for buying...

Antalya Cave | Toursim in Turkey United world Real Estate in Turkey

Altinbeșik Cave in Antalya charms visitors with its beauty

Antalya Cave The city of Antalya is considered one of the most important and recognized historical and tourism destinations in Turkey. In 2011,...

Antalya cable car | Cable cars in Antalya | Tourism in Antalya | Living in Antalya

Explore Cable Car rides in the Turkish Province of Antalya

Cable Car Antalya Antalya tourism is considered of the most important and vital in Turkey making the province one of the most visited in...

Europeans are the most buying properties Turkey

Europeans are the most buying properties Turkey

buying properties turkey Europeans are the most buying properties Turkey Antalya is the best-selling property for Europeans. Antalya took the...

Antalya Rafting trip | activities can do in antalya | tour in antalya

Antalya Rafting Trip - feel the adventure and challenge

antalya rafting trip The activities in Antalya city in all seasons. Antalya Rafting Trip Enjoy a wonderful river rafting adventure along...

EURASIA Airshow Now in Antalya

EURASIA Airshow Now in Antalya

eurasia airshow in Antalya the show will be in Antalya by the end of April. eurasia airshow in Antalya Eurasia Airshow is Turkey’s first...

British tourists to arrive in Turkey | Tourism in turkey | tourism in antalya

British tourists to arrive in Turkey 15 July

British tourists to arrive in Turkey Dozens of charter flights arrive in Turkey as of July 15. British tourists to arrive in Turkey Holiday...