Buy Property Remotely in Antalya

Changing times means adapting quickly while still offering the top-notch, face-to-face service our clients have come to expect.

Buy Property Remotely in Antalya with United World

Changing times means adapting quickly while still offering the top-notch, face-to-face service our clients have come to expect. As we’ve learned over the last few weeks, much can be done remotely. We’ve seen orchestras playing symphonies together from their homes, we’ve taken online CrossFit classes, and joined house parties, pub quizzes, and even nightclubs online. When you consider how much we’ve learned about our online capabilities, it’s not much of a reach to consider buying property remotely. Thanks to technology, we are pleased to be able to continue to meet our client’s needs in a consistent way. United World will continue to operate almost as normal, but with one small difference: you’re now able to tour Antalya and the many projects we offer there from the comfort of your own home using our virtual tour service.

Step 1: Let’s Talk

“Hello, how are you? Let me know how I can help.” Your first contact with our United World consultants will be a phone call with one of our client advisors. No two buyers are alike, so during our get-to-know-you chats, we’ll get to know you, by asking questions to find out exactly what you want. All our clients have different requirements: some are investors, others are lifestyle buyers. Some are just starting out, others are seasoned investors. We need to understand exactly who you are and what your expectations are before we can help. And of course, you’ll want to ask some questions, too. If you’re new to Turkey, you’ll certainly have a few. Or perhaps you know Turkey well, but want to drill down on the finer points: what’s the neighborhood like? What’s the likely rental return on this villa? What’s the deal with paying tax in Turkey? How can I get Turkish citizenship by investment? Our client advisors are well-trained in everything from the purchase process to tax law. And if they don’t know, they’ll find out for you.

Step 2: Let’s Book You In

Behind the scenes, your client advisor has been busy working with an investment consultant in your chosen area. For this example, let’s look at Antalya. Antalya’s property landscape is large and diverse, and it’s important to have someone on the ground who knows exactly what’s going on. Enter our investment consultant. This is the person in the field, with an intimate knowledge of property and the local economy. Using the information obtained from the client advisor, our Antalya consultant will draw up a list of properties specific to your requirements. Then, you’re ready to go.

Step 3: Hit the (Virtual) Road

“Hop in, I can’t wait to show you around the city!” Now, you are ready for a virtual tour of Antalya and Antalya properties. With your investment consultant in the driving seat, you’ll explore the city’s neighborhoods and the projects most aligned with your property goals. In the car, a 360-degree camera mounted on the passenger dashboard affords you a front-seat view out the window, and you can also see your consultant beside you, providing a commentary as you explore the city streets. You quickly discover that your consultant knows his stuff. And that he loves this city: his enthusiasm is so contagious it’s not long before you imagine you’re right there beside him. He explains which streets are on the way up, and which are about to enter a regenerating phase - a potential goldmine for investors. Some neighborhoods are not such good options, he points these out and gives you some background to explain why. He slows down to point out landmarks along the way: there’s the historical Kaleiçi. Here’s the iconic Konyaaltı Beach, and this is the bustling Old Bazaar. Here’s the best place to buy Turkish delight, this is the largest mall on the European side of the city. And of course, there are the projects. With your consultant, you’ll visit showhomes, going carefully through the pros and cons of each development. Some will be off-plan, and some will be under construction. Your consultant will explain what this means for investors, in terms of price points and completion dates. Be sure to ask lots of questions, and make your own notes as you go. It’s important to know about the locale of these projects, so your consultant will take you on a circuit of the neighborhood, pointing out the local metro station, the nearest mall, medical center and all the unique selling points -- and drawbacks -- of the area. Antalya’s a huge city, with a vast number of distinctive neighborhoods, so depending on your requirements and what you want to see, a tour might take a couple of days. But that’s okay -- the more information you have, the better.

Step 4: Any Questions?

By now, you’ve seen the sights and heard the sounds of the city: the call to prayer, the cries of the street vendors, and the “ding-ding-ding” of the tram rattling its way down the city streets. And with your consultant’s descriptions, you can almost - almost - inhale the salty smell of the Mediterranean and the rich aroma of roasting meat and yeasty bread from the street food vendors. You’ve also got a good idea of what projects we have to offer. You’ve seen off-plan properties, newly completed seafront apartments, and established homes in Antalya’s center. With your consultant’s help, you’ve honed in on a few suitable properties that suit your budget and your goals. You probably have a lot of questions: and now’s the time to answer them. So let’s sit down with your consultant and work out the nuts and bolts.

Step 5: Let’s Shake On It

Together, you’ll agree on a price and work out a payment plan. Then, you’ll be ready to sign on the bottom line. Your investment consultant will explain that you’ll need to send a reservation fee on your credit card, this will freeze the price and take your unit off the market. All that’s missing is a handshake.

Step 6: Filling Out the Paperwork

After you’ve paid the reservation fee, our legal department springs into action. This part’s actually really simple, especially if you sign a power of attorney in Turkey that allows our lawyers to work on your behalf. This is something we do even when it’s business as usual because the processes have to take place within Turkey, and most of our clients head back home after a contract signing. Please note that you can provide power of attorney to your lawyer from your country of residence also. You do not physically have to be present in Turkey, you can sign the relevant documents and have them notarized at the Turkish Consulate in your country of residence. During this process, with our lawyer’s help, you’ll:

  • Sign your purchase agreement
  • Get a title deed
  • Get the ball rolling on obtaining Turkish citizenship by investment, if required.

All the while, you’ll be keeping in touch with your client advisor, who’ll smooth out any bumps and keep you informed of the progress of your project. If you’re looking for tenants for your property, they’ll get that ball rolling, too.